We recently hosted our final juries on campus, bringing the total number of juries to 11 (with 12 jurors on each jury). With reserves, this brings the total number of jurors to 140. Becca has been conducting linguistic analysis of the transcripts of their deliberations, which forms a detailed insight into jurors' perceptions of user-generated evidence. The detailed questionnaires completed by our jurors provide further invaluable data, which we are currently busy analysing.
Thanks to the tireless efforts of a professional research company (FieldMouse Research), who recruited participants through a wide range of means, our jurors were broadly representative of the local population across age, gender, ethnicity, and occupation/education level:

Fig. 1: Age and gender of TRUE jury groups

Fig. 2: ONS data on age

Fig. 3: Ethnicity of TRUE jury groups

Fig. 4: ONS data on ethnicity

Fig. 5: Word cloud of TRUE project jurors' occupations
We are grateful to all our jurors, who clearly took the exercise seriously, with some groups deliberating for more than two hours, and to everyone who helped the team with organising the mock trial shown and administering the jury research. Watch this space for research findings!